We lived in Dresden for 9 months.

Hi, I am Eric Muller. My wife and I lived in Dresden from September, 2008 to June, 2009. We lived in a villa in Kleinzschachwitz and worked at the MPI. If you are going to travel to Dresden, poke around my posts and you will discover fantastic places to visit.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

From Obama's Inauguration Day

We are broken up. We can't be there. We are out in the cold. We can't be in the USA on this great day in our country's history as Obama is sworn in. We have our computers, but it is not the same. Indeed, there have already been some web events where we were blocked because we are not in the country, like the HBO web broadcast of the concert at the Lincoln monument. Also the Disney channel...I really wanted to see the Jonas Brothers play Love Bug for the young Obamas and the military families.

So I know our oldest son will have a blast at the Inauguration, see the event up close, and later go to the Youth Ball tonight. I wonder if he will be working during the event. Maybe we will see him on TV. Word has it that he even BOUGHT a tux for the ball tonight. We can't wait to hear his stories. We will be glued to our our computer screens, and CNN international.
We could not be more hopeful for the future of our country and and the future of our children.

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