We lived in Dresden for 9 months.

Hi, I am Eric Muller. My wife and I lived in Dresden from September, 2008 to June, 2009. We lived in a villa in Kleinzschachwitz and worked at the MPI. If you are going to travel to Dresden, poke around my posts and you will discover fantastic places to visit.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Basic Food

The generosity of our landlady and her family continues to amaze us. For the last few days we could relax and get settled without having to hassle restaurants or food shopping. So what did she stock?

The Refrigerator
8 eggs - a picture of the egg steamer is above
2 joghurts
Feine Krauter
Lots of honey
2 bottles of breakfast juices, orange and mixed fruit
1 cube of butter, 1 of margarine and 1 for baking margarine
4 beers - Radeberger Pilsner
5 bottles of mineral water, some Stilles and some medium
various lunch meats geschnitten: Nussschinken, Bierschinkin mit kase, and Krauterbierschinkein
2 cheeses, also geschnitten (sliced)
1 package of Wiener Wurstchen.
1 jar of pink rhubarb jelly
1 Golden Toast bread (sliced to a very convenient smaller size)
1 Weizenbrot bread for sandwiches
1 box of milk

In the pantry was fusilli pasta, potatoes, onions, more beer and water, 8 minuten spitzen-langkorn (rice?), and some cooking oil

So there you have a snapshot of the basic German food stuffs.

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