We lived in Dresden for 9 months.

Hi, I am Eric Muller. My wife and I lived in Dresden from September, 2008 to June, 2009. We lived in a villa in Kleinzschachwitz and worked at the MPI. If you are going to travel to Dresden, poke around my posts and you will discover fantastic places to visit.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Yard - Photo Essay....continued

From where we left off, looking up towards the house. Notice the fence up towards the left.
From The Yard

The fence encloses an elaborate compost system. This is where all our food waste goes. Not really very interesting I know, but thems the facts.
From The Yard

If you looked past the compost bins, you saw this lovely little garden area.
From The Yard

Going back towards the house we pass the winter gartens, aka the sun rooms. We are on top.
From The Yard

From The Yard

Another view of the sun rooms, from the other side of the house. Trish sees a cool bird.
From The Yard

For kicks, yet another view of the sun rooms, this time from the street.
From The Yard

Well, the sun room looks great, how do we get there?
Back to the entrance you will see that they put a witch there to greet us.
From The Yard

Up the steps we come to the first set of doors, and we are greeted again with Fall color.
From The Yard

In this room is our pantry. The area is not heated, so it keeps things cool. Oh, and there is that water.
From The Yard

Well, open the doors, and you come to the actually entrance to our flat. And look, past the vestibule, and the living/dining room, you see in the back, the sun room.
From The Yard

The door to the right is where the washer and dryer are located.

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